
CanWork Update

Welcome to the CanWork December 2022 Update. This update covers behind-the-scenes dev work including escrow security, BNB chain monitor & landing page development. We also discuss our growth plans for the platform including our current CanWork Rewards Program.

State of Canwork

Although we are now gearing towards more promotion of the platform (which you can read about later) there is still plenty of behind-the-scenes development work going on. This month the dev team solved a number of crucial issues for the security and effectiveness of the platform.

We deployed a more secure escrow contract
An audit discovered a potential logic vulnerability that might have allowed a malicious actor to trick the escrow into accepting worthless coins. This would've been achieved by interacting with the contract outside the CanWork interface.

We secured the contract and proved to successfully prevent such a strategy on BNB Smart Chain mainnet.

Transaction prompts for better user experience
Strong user feedback asked us to provide wallet confirmation prompts and pending ‘spinners’ for payment & release transactions. We took this onboard and have implemented the improvement.

Started implementing the new landing page
As discussed in the November update, we are working with one of our freelancers to build a new, fresh landing page for CanWork. The graphic design for this is now complete and the development team is working on its implementation. We hope to have this finished soon to coincide with our platform promotion.

Prepared some components for a framework (Angular) upgrade
Unfortunately not very exciting but a number of our legacy Angular frameworks have to be updated to ensure viability going forward. The dev team plan to do this over the next few months.

What’s Next?
  • Continue auditing & monitoring the payment system,
  • Continue with the new landing page implementation,
  • Begin the Angular Framework upgrades,
  • Respond to user feedback for platform improvements,
  • Continue requesting bug reports and respond to those received.

BNB Chain Monitor API

The BNB Chain Monitor API is a tool developed for us at CanWork to make BNB Smart Chain monitoring simpler.

We are thrilled to announce that we completed the BNB Smart Chain Monitor system, including:
  • Custom chain-monitoring API deployed to a cloud server,
  • Implemented CanWork functions that listen for BNB Smart Chain events and update the CanWork user interface,
  • Tested and monitored live.
As discussed last month, our custom-built BNB Smart Chain system:
  • Monitors BNB Chain blocks,
  • Detects escrow transactions,
  • Decodes these events,
  • Updates CanWork automatically & perfectly.
The system is in good health and detects & updates BNB Smart Chain blocks & events accurately. It can also recover, catch up lost blocks & sync quickly in the event of server downtime or restart.

The payment flow on CanWork is becoming rock solid and we are quietly content with it.

Find out more about the CanWork Escrow here.

User Growth and Rewards Program

As discussed in the last update over the past 6 months the development team basically rebuilt the entire platform to get it running smoothly on BNB Smart Chain. We are now ready to start growing the user base and job flow.

To start this process we are running a rewards program for our community. This will bring high-quality providers, clients & jobs to the platform while rewarding all of those involved.

How it works:

This will be a summary. For a full breakdown of the program (and some of our other growth plans). You can read all about Rewards & Cashback here.

In summary, the program runs across three tiers, each with its own rewards:

  • Freelancers
    Anyone who recommends a digital freelancer to the CanWork platform will receive $5 BUSD per freelancer signed up. The freelancer will need to create a valid freelancer profile which will be audited by the CanWork team.

  • Jobs
    Anyone who refers a client to the CanWork platform that completes a job successfully will receive $10 BUSD per job completed.

  • Client Cash Back
    Any client that successfully completes a job on CanWork will get $50 BUSD off the job. To prevent gaming of the system the minimum job value is $250 USD.

Read the full details here. If you have any further questions please get in touch with the team on Telegram.

Reminder, this blog also covers some of our other growth plans and some of the unique selling propositions (USPs) the CanWork platform offers to freelancers and clients alike. If you aren’t familiar with these (or want to refresh them) you should check it out.


We extend a massive thank you to our CanWork community, especially those freelancers who continually help us build and design and test (you know who you are).

We look forward to hearing from you all as we grow the platform together in 2023. Please let us know if you have any ideas you think could take off or if you’d like to contact the team on any other matters via the links below. Chat to you all soon!

Telegram channel:


Chris McLoughlin



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 CanWork   Update   Freelance   BNB Smart Chain